
Fees are based on an average combined family income and the cost of therapy is usually shared between adult family members. Your fee must be paid in full at least 48 hours prior to your session. Your therapist will provide you with banking details. Cheques can not be accepted.    

Appointments are arranged at fortnightly and monthly intervals

Fees  must be paid in full at least 48 hrs prior to your session

If  you have paid your session fee and do not attend for the session this fee is NON RE-FUNDABLE

In the event of cancellation:  48 hours notice is required  

If your cancellation is less than 48 hrs prior to your session the session fee will be charged to you

Fees are £65 per 50 min session prior to 5p.m.and £75 per 50 min session after 5pm and on Saturdays

I am governed by the registration requirements of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and I am a member of the Association for Family Therapy. You are advised to familiarise yourself with information for clients regarding Family and Couples Systemic Psychotherapy at these websites;

www.aft.org.uk      www.psychotherapy.org.uk